Being that I spent $400 on this I expected it to be a little more high quality than it was. It's a bunch of cheap wood. If this bed was maybe $200 then I'd understand and would rate it higher but it really isn't the most sturdy. It works and was easy enough to assemble. One of the slats came with a giant hole in it. The wood is so cheap and splits SUPER easily so be careful when assembling.
EDIT: I have had this bed for about 5 months now. 2 adults and 2 small dogs have been sleeping on his bed. Overall its pretty sturdy but does make the occasional squeak and it creaks sometimes. The bed is strong, just cheaply made in my opinion. Its still very much not worth $400.
Not great for the price.
Being that I spent $400 on this I expected it to be a little more high quality than it was. It's a bunch of cheap wood. If this bed was maybe $200 then I'd understand and would rate it higher but it really isn't the most sturdy. It works and was easy enough to assemble. One of the slats came with a giant hole in it. The wood is so cheap and splits SUPER easily so be careful when assembling. EDIT: I have had this bed for about 5 months now. 2 adults and 2 small dogs have been sleeping on his bed. Overall its pretty sturdy but does make the occasional squeak and it creaks sometimes. The bed is strong, just cheaply made in my opinion. Its still very much not worth $400.