The support structure has changed and it is crooked
We have bought these set of seats 3 years ago, we still love the first set as is sturdy an it was easy to assemble. How ever we just returned a matching set a few days ago, the seat itself was ok but the leg assembly was not at all made with the same quality, before the four legs came attached to the frame, now they came separately and the frame is crooked the hardware is clogged with zinc and the tool does not fit. Very disappointed!!
The support structure has changed and it is crooked
We have bought these set of seats 3 years ago, we still love the first set as is sturdy an it was easy to assemble. How ever we just returned a matching set a few days ago, the seat itself was ok but the leg assembly was not at all made with the same quality, before the four legs came attached to the frame, now they came separately and the frame is crooked the hardware is clogged with zinc and the tool does not fit. Very disappointed!!