So far so good! I love my stools the color is perfect for my décor ordered the orange. came fast they came 2 in a box, assembly was easy and fast, stools are adjustable which is great for my island everyone can adjust to
what is comfortable for them. chairs are comfortable and sturdy. still waiting on my other 2 stools I ordered to arrive. I will include photo when I have them all set up. would recommend others to purchase. I am very happy with my purchase.
sturdy and beautiful and adjustable
So far so good! I love my stools the color is perfect for my décor ordered the orange. came fast they came 2 in a box, assembly was easy and fast, stools are adjustable which is great for my island everyone can adjust to what is comfortable for them. chairs are comfortable and sturdy. still waiting on my other 2 stools I ordered to arrive. I will include photo when I have them all set up. would recommend others to purchase. I am very happy with my purchase.