Fit together easily, surprisingly sturdy and nice looking for cost
I was honestly blown away by this. For $200 all in, including shipping, I had low expectations to say the least. The bed feels sturdy, fit together nicely without having to force anything together, and shipped/ arrived quickly. I also think it looks nice and not as cheap as you'd expect from an no-name brand product at this price point. Very understated and mature looking piece of furniture for someone looking to save money (young professionals, college house, etc.)
Fit together easily, surprisingly sturdy and nice looking for cost
I was honestly blown away by this. For $200 all in, including shipping, I had low expectations to say the least. The bed feels sturdy, fit together nicely without having to force anything together, and shipped/ arrived quickly. I also think it looks nice and not as cheap as you'd expect from an no-name brand product at this price point. Very understated and mature looking piece of furniture for someone looking to save money (young professionals, college house, etc.)