I have read review after review the middle support is short and the bed frame isn't sturdy. In my opinion it is extremely sturdy. I had no issues with the center pole not reaching each end. It looks great and I expect years of use from it. Oh and no squeeking either. I made sure all the rubber inserts for the support beams were pushed in all the way. I bought the full size and purchased a bunkie board separately to support a memory foam mattress properly.
I did reach out to the seller because in the description it says they have a video they can share and boy was it useful. Took me alone 90 minutes to put it together. I watched the video carefully and paid special attention to which way all the supports go and with what size screw.
Take the Time to Do it Right
I have read review after review the middle support is short and the bed frame isn't sturdy. In my opinion it is extremely sturdy. I had no issues with the center pole not reaching each end. It looks great and I expect years of use from it. Oh and no squeeking either. I made sure all the rubber inserts for the support beams were pushed in all the way. I bought the full size and purchased a bunkie board separately to support a memory foam mattress properly. I did reach out to the seller because in the description it says they have a video they can share and boy was it useful. Took me alone 90 minutes to put it together. I watched the video carefully and paid special attention to which way all the supports go and with what size screw.