The bed is sturdy. Took about an hour to assemble from start to finish (including unpacking and unwrapping each item). Items are packaged nicely. Bed is sturdy. Easy to assemble.
My only complaint. There is a typo in the instructions. I spent about 10 minutes looking for a part that doesn't exist because the manual says it's the part that's needed. After some deduction, I realized they messed up the numbering and I had the part.
Typo in Instructions
The bed is sturdy. Took about an hour to assemble from start to finish (including unpacking and unwrapping each item). Items are packaged nicely. Bed is sturdy. Easy to assemble. My only complaint. There is a typo in the instructions. I spent about 10 minutes looking for a part that doesn't exist because the manual says it's the part that's needed. After some deduction, I realized they messed up the numbering and I had the part.