The design and build are good. Bed lives up to description. Shipped to me damaged. Make sure all parts are in good shape before assembly. I had to contact the manufacturer to get replacement parts for all pieces that were damaged or unusable. In the end it worked out, but it took a while and didnt make the gift a complete success on the special day. Again, value and design are good and worth it, just make sure all pieces for the bed and desk are in good shape before assembly.
The design and build are good. Bed lives up to description. Shipped to me damaged. Make sure all parts are in good shape before assembly. I had to contact the manufacturer to get replacement parts for all pieces that were damaged or unusable. In the end it worked out, but it took a while and didnt make the gift a complete success on the special day. Again, value and design are good and worth it, just make sure all pieces for the bed and desk are in good shape before assembly.