I had no issues putting this together, once I found the directions, which were under the bench seat in the same sleeve. The key is to ensure you dont tighten everything down until its all assembled, as per the directions. And then, you only need to snug the screws well. I put this together in about 20 mins by myself, and it looks great. All pre/drilled holes lined up well, the bench seat was in perfect condition (no puckering or anything like that). I have it in the hall and it looks great! I have the brown one.
Sturdy and Looks Good.
I had no issues putting this together, once I found the directions, which were under the bench seat in the same sleeve. The key is to ensure you dont tighten everything down until its all assembled, as per the directions. And then, you only need to snug the screws well. I put this together in about 20 mins by myself, and it looks great. All pre/drilled holes lined up well, the bench seat was in perfect condition (no puckering or anything like that). I have it in the hall and it looks great! I have the brown one.