Putting this together is a 2 person job. It took about 45 minutes. It is sturdy and very suitable for a guest room. It is a good value for the price and all the parts and tools needed for assembly were included. Be careful to line up the holes in the directions that they need to be facing when assembling, otherwise you will have to backtrack to correct your error. There are 3 support posts on each side, I was making the bed and was barefoot and broke my pinkie toe on the middle post, so be careful.
Cheap and pretty sturdy
Putting this together is a 2 person job. It took about 45 minutes. It is sturdy and very suitable for a guest room. It is a good value for the price and all the parts and tools needed for assembly were included. Be careful to line up the holes in the directions that they need to be facing when assembling, otherwise you will have to backtrack to correct your error. There are 3 support posts on each side, I was making the bed and was barefoot and broke my pinkie toe on the middle post, so be careful.