The bed was delivered in one box, all parts present and in good condition, easy directions, took less than an hour to put together and is even better looking than the pic. I was concerned would be shiny gold but its more a matte finish..woohoo. its perfect for our guest room. I have a 10 memory foam mattress on it and it doesnt seem to move on it and there is plenty of space underneath for storage. Very happy with purchase.
Great looking, easy to assemble
The bed was delivered in one box, all parts present and in good condition, easy directions, took less than an hour to put together and is even better looking than the pic. I was concerned would be shiny gold but its more a matte finish..woohoo. its perfect for our guest room. I have a 10 memory foam mattress on it and it doesnt seem to move on it and there is plenty of space underneath for storage. Very happy with purchase.