This basket is better quality than I expected. Very sturdy and worth your money. The chains work well to catch your disc. I will say that the paint sheds easily during assembly, but not too much to make it a nuisance. Also, one of the 5 screw holes did not line up between the base and corresponding orange bar. This did not effect the performance of the basket. Very happy with this purchase and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a basket that doesnt break the bank.
So happy with my purchase!
This basket is better quality than I expected. Very sturdy and worth your money. The chains work well to catch your disc. I will say that the paint sheds easily during assembly, but not too much to make it a nuisance. Also, one of the 5 screw holes did not line up between the base and corresponding orange bar. This did not effect the performance of the basket. Very happy with this purchase and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a basket that doesnt break the bank.