Pros:Super easy assembly and seems sturdy
Cons: Not sure I received the deluxe? I didnt get the white riding on the inside basket vertical bar. Also the basket was a little crooked but not bad. Probably just from sitting in the box and because it is mostly assembled. Maybe the chains were pushing to one side in the box from faulty storage and/or shipping. Overall, great value for the price. Im obviously a stickler. 4.5/5
Great value, received slightly different product
Pros:Super easy assembly and seems sturdy Cons: Not sure I received the deluxe? I didnt get the white riding on the inside basket vertical bar. Also the basket was a little crooked but not bad. Probably just from sitting in the box and because it is mostly assembled. Maybe the chains were pushing to one side in the box from faulty storage and/or shipping. Overall, great value for the price. Im obviously a stickler. 4.5/5