This is a good frame. Im pleased with my purchase. Its mostly straightforward to assemble, but it takes a little bit of time and there are a lot of parts. Placing the stints were the most difficult part for me.
Its definitely sturdy for sleeping and whatnot. No squeaks, nor creaks and doesnt shift around.
My mattress is 13 thick and fits wonderfully into this frame. Its not too high off the ground, which I like. It also has a decent amount of space underneath so you can store stuff if you wanted.
Overall I recommend! Worthy of your money in my opinion
Sturdy, stylish, competitive price
This is a good frame. Im pleased with my purchase. Its mostly straightforward to assemble, but it takes a little bit of time and there are a lot of parts. Placing the stints were the most difficult part for me. Its definitely sturdy for sleeping and whatnot. No squeaks, nor creaks and doesnt shift around. My mattress is 13 thick and fits wonderfully into this frame. Its not too high off the ground, which I like. It also has a decent amount of space underneath so you can store stuff if you wanted. Overall I recommend! Worthy of your money in my opinion