This product is good quality! Was super easy to assemble and comes with all assembly parts and tools. It took me about 30 minutes to put together and was so easily labeled that if you cant do it then you probably dont know how to put a cap back on a bottle of soda.
We bough 8 mattresses on both bed and trundle. Really should get a 6 for trundle if you want an easy slide. We are only using trundle for guests so Im not too worried about that. You have to lift the frame slightly with 8 mattress (frame is lightweight) and slide the trundle under, but it isnt difficult and if you arent using everyday I dont think it is an inconvenience.
Package was super heavy! So you may need help getting it inside. My husband was able to carry it to the bedroom which is where I assembled it.
Cute and super easy to assemble!
This product is good quality! Was super easy to assemble and comes with all assembly parts and tools. It took me about 30 minutes to put together and was so easily labeled that if you cant do it then you probably dont know how to put a cap back on a bottle of soda. We bough 8 mattresses on both bed and trundle. Really should get a 6 for trundle if you want an easy slide. We are only using trundle for guests so Im not too worried about that. You have to lift the frame slightly with 8 mattress (frame is lightweight) and slide the trundle under, but it isnt difficult and if you arent using everyday I dont think it is an inconvenience. Package was super heavy! So you may need help getting it inside. My husband was able to carry it to the bedroom which is where I assembled it.