Pretty good buy! Easy assembly. Very light weight which is nice. They look exactly likeeee the picture. They look great in person! They are definitely adult chairs and they look it (size wise) but when you sit in them they feel a little small from an armrest standpoint, likeeee the armrests should be a little taller and the seat is VERY stiff, hoping those will loosen out a bit with time. But overall I would recommend these as waiting room chairs. That is what I got them for. Not upset with my buy at all. I will be keeping them!
Pretty good buy!!
Pretty good buy! Easy assembly. Very light weight which is nice. They look exactly likeeee the picture. They look great in person! They are definitely adult chairs and they look it (size wise) but when you sit in them they feel a little small from an armrest standpoint, likeeee the armrests should be a little taller and the seat is VERY stiff, hoping those will loosen out a bit with time. But overall I would recommend these as waiting room chairs. That is what I got them for. Not upset with my buy at all. I will be keeping them!