Arrived in 2 boxes via FedEx. Extremely easy to assemble and all parts were included. Its very solid and well made especially for the price. The cushions are firm but not hard. You wont sink way down into it but you wont be uncomfortable either. One thing Id mention, is the cushions are vacuum packed so, mine took 5 days to fully expand, and that was with regular fluffing, even though the instructions say 24/48 hours. Be patient.
A great sectional sofa at a great price.
Arrived in 2 boxes via FedEx. Extremely easy to assemble and all parts were included. Its very solid and well made especially for the price. The cushions are firm but not hard. You wont sink way down into it but you wont be uncomfortable either. One thing Id mention, is the cushions are vacuum packed so, mine took 5 days to fully expand, and that was with regular fluffing, even though the instructions say 24/48 hours. Be patient.