Bought this for our tripod because it has steps going up. He loves it!
It was super easy to put together, aside from one stripped plastic screw part we had to remove, and seems sturdy enough. Just wish the cubbies were a little larger so they could actually be used. We have 14, 11, and 9lb cats, only the 9lb one fits in the cubbies comfortably. Also the fuzzy ball is not fuzzy, its just a wad of felt.
Smaller than expected
Bought this for our tripod because it has steps going up. He loves it! It was super easy to put together, aside from one stripped plastic screw part we had to remove, and seems sturdy enough. Just wish the cubbies were a little larger so they could actually be used. We have 14, 11, and 9lb cats, only the 9lb one fits in the cubbies comfortably. Also the fuzzy ball is not fuzzy, its just a wad of felt.