Took about an hour to assemble. The easy to follow instructions balance out the finicky and frustrating screw placement (though I understand why it was engineered the way it was). The finished product is fine not overwhelmingly exciting, just fine. My cat is on the large side, Im not sure he will utilize the hidey holes, but Im sure he will love the top perch. Due to his size, the tree is a little less stable than Im fully confident with. This review is assuming that there will be no issues with stability / I will update if I run into problems.
Overall, neat and well priced product, but consider carefully before purchase if your kitty is sized large or generally heavy (my cat is 18lbs, pretty big and slightly overweight).
Quick assemble review and use with large cat
Took about an hour to assemble. The easy to follow instructions balance out the finicky and frustrating screw placement (though I understand why it was engineered the way it was). The finished product is fine not overwhelmingly exciting, just fine. My cat is on the large side, Im not sure he will utilize the hidey holes, but Im sure he will love the top perch. Due to his size, the tree is a little less stable than Im fully confident with. This review is assuming that there will be no issues with stability / I will update if I run into problems. Overall, neat and well priced product, but consider carefully before purchase if your kitty is sized large or generally heavy (my cat is 18lbs, pretty big and slightly overweight).