Great instructions...easy to assemble. Wrapped a sealy ortho bed with this frame. Thought I would have to attach the cross bars (normally under the box springs) to keep it from twisting but this bed is sturdy enough not to need them for my use. Came with 2 very minor paint scapes so minor you have to hunt for them. Lots of packing material. Not white white as you can see from photo next to the marble table... but not as yellow as the photo. I would call it ivory. Incredibly happy.
Incredibly happy.
Great instructions...easy to assemble. Wrapped a sealy ortho bed with this frame. Thought I would have to attach the cross bars (normally under the box springs) to keep it from twisting but this bed is sturdy enough not to need them for my use. Came with 2 very minor paint scapes so minor you have to hunt for them. Lots of packing material. Not white white as you can see from photo next to the marble table... but not as yellow as the photo. I would call it ivory. Incredibly happy.