This frame was a queen size and has held up beautifully. My son has his buddies over to stay
We bought this for our teenage son who outgrew his twin bed. This frame was a queen size and has held up beautifully. My son has his buddies over to stay the night so even with teenage boys this frame has held up like a champ. There is plenty of storage in the drawers below. The drawers hold much more than I thought they would. I am so please with it I purchased a second one for my mother.
This frame was a queen size and has held up beautifully. My son has his buddies over to stay
We bought this for our teenage son who outgrew his twin bed. This frame was a queen size and has held up beautifully. My son has his buddies over to stay the night so even with teenage boys this frame has held up like a champ. There is plenty of storage in the drawers below. The drawers hold much more than I thought they would. I am so please with it I purchased a second one for my mother.