Good sturdy bed. Pretty easy to assemble (if youve assembled a lot of furniture).
Easy to put together, and works really well. Looks nice and functional. Everything I was looking for. Instructions were clear and relatively simple. I did this mostly by myself (sometimes my dad, who was in town visiting, popped in to help) in about 3-4 hours. Only negative is that it seems like it will fit INTO the headboard in the picture (sold separately), but it doesnt quite fit. Be prepared for a gap.
*note: Ive but together a LOT of furniture in my life, and enjoy building things. If you have not, and this is your first assembly please consider this a moderate difficulty rated product.
Good sturdy bed. Pretty easy to assemble (if youve assembled a lot of furniture).
Easy to put together, and works really well. Looks nice and functional. Everything I was looking for. Instructions were clear and relatively simple. I did this mostly by myself (sometimes my dad, who was in town visiting, popped in to help) in about 3-4 hours. Only negative is that it seems like it will fit INTO the headboard in the picture (sold separately), but it doesnt quite fit. Be prepared for a gap. *note: Ive but together a LOT of furniture in my life, and enjoy building things. If you have not, and this is your first assembly please consider this a moderate difficulty rated product.