This was pretty easy to assemble in one evening, directions were basic but pretty easy to follow. Its not as sturdy as we had hoped and the were not the type on metal tracks so when we pulled them open they tipped forward. It has some marks on it when it came and was ultimately too short and smaller than what the pictures make it look like. It would work for someone in a small kitchen that didnt need good, sturdy storage. We returned it but were very happy with their customer service overall. Would buy from the company again if we found something that worked nicely.
Mixed reviews
This was pretty easy to assemble in one evening, directions were basic but pretty easy to follow. Its not as sturdy as we had hoped and the were not the type on metal tracks so when we pulled them open they tipped forward. It has some marks on it when it came and was ultimately too short and smaller than what the pictures make it look like. It would work for someone in a small kitchen that didnt need good, sturdy storage. We returned it but were very happy with their customer service overall. Would buy from the company again if we found something that worked nicely.