I was super impressed with how sturdy these chairs are, and the velvet is so soft! I got the orange color which came very true to picture.
These are definitely a dining chair size perfect for a small nook or fun desk chair. I personally use it as a desk chair and am satisfied with how comfortable they are. The seat is more on the hard side but not extremely hard.
I only found them slightly hard to screw together, since the screws could only fit in one chair and not the other, strangely. But everything came nicely packaged and instructions were easy to follow. Still, these were a great purchase!
Cute, dining chair size, very sturdy!
I was super impressed with how sturdy these chairs are, and the velvet is so soft! I got the orange color which came very true to picture. These are definitely a dining chair size perfect for a small nook or fun desk chair. I personally use it as a desk chair and am satisfied with how comfortable they are. The seat is more on the hard side but not extremely hard. I only found them slightly hard to screw together, since the screws could only fit in one chair and not the other, strangely. But everything came nicely packaged and instructions were easy to follow. Still, these were a great purchase!