I think it looks great, just what I was looking for. It is sturdy and sits level. Assembly would have been easier with two people, but I made it work with just one and it was not too complicated. One star lost because they say not to use electric tools but tighten all screws by hand. The pre drilled holes are far too tight for that, I got out the power tools after trying to tighten two of them. You will injure your hands and wrists trying to put this together with just a manual screwdriver.
Nice unit.
I think it looks great, just what I was looking for. It is sturdy and sits level. Assembly would have been easier with two people, but I made it work with just one and it was not too complicated. One star lost because they say not to use electric tools but tighten all screws by hand. The pre drilled holes are far too tight for that, I got out the power tools after trying to tighten two of them. You will injure your hands and wrists trying to put this together with just a manual screwdriver.