My husband was able to assemble with no hassle. The instructions were easy to follow, the pieces were easy to distinguish and the overall assembly was flawless. Could not be more happy about this piece. I couldn't see myself dishing out 1000's on the same thing in other stores. This to me had everything I was looking for at a much more comfortable price and it's absolutely stunning. Its also very sturdy which was my biggest concern. Would definitely recommend.
Beautiful piece and you can't beat the price.
My husband was able to assemble with no hassle. The instructions were easy to follow, the pieces were easy to distinguish and the overall assembly was flawless. Could not be more happy about this piece. I couldn't see myself dishing out 1000's on the same thing in other stores. This to me had everything I was looking for at a much more comfortable price and it's absolutely stunning. Its also very sturdy which was my biggest concern. Would definitely recommend.