This is a great unit for the price! Good size, but skinny which is perfect for my location. It feels sturdy.
Most important, it was so easy to put together! I'm a 60+ women and have much experience in putting my purchases together. This exercise made me smile! The directions were very methodical and easy to follow. There were 17 little bags of screws and parts and pieces. Each bag was labeled with a number and each number was perfectly coordinated with the instructions. Each wooden piece of the unit had a small label on it in a discrete location with a letter that was perfectly coordinated back to the diagrams. Impressive effort and detail by the manufacturer!
I'm happy with this unit and would recommend it to others.
This is a great unit for the price! Good size, but skinny which is perfect for my location. It feels sturdy. Most important, it was so easy to put together! I'm a 60+ women and have much experience in putting my purchases together. This exercise made me smile! The directions were very methodical and easy to follow. There were 17 little bags of screws and parts and pieces. Each bag was labeled with a number and each number was perfectly coordinated with the instructions. Each wooden piece of the unit had a small label on it in a discrete location with a letter that was perfectly coordinated back to the diagrams. Impressive effort and detail by the manufacturer! I'm happy with this unit and would recommend it to others.