Exactly what I was looking for. Fits in our small entry way nicely and looks great.
This took about 15 minutes to put this together for my son. Could use a second person to help hold while the other is attaching parts. I was looking for a coat rack and found this instead. Will come in very handy. We appreciate the size. It is small but that’s what we were looking for. Thank you. We love this. Delivered fast as well despite bad weather conditions.
Exactly what I was looking for. Fits in our small entry way nicely and looks great.
This took about 15 minutes to put this together for my son. Could use a second person to help hold while the other is attaching parts. I was looking for a coat rack and found this instead. Will come in very handy. We appreciate the size. It is small but that’s what we were looking for. Thank you. We love this. Delivered fast as well despite bad weather conditions.