Works great for my entry way (I’ve been using it for a bit now). Bench is quite sturdy. I’m 330lbs and it doesn’t even seem to phase it when I sit to put my shoes on. Took maybe thirty minutes to put together, super simple, everything was included (I did end up with extra screws, literally one more than I needed for each bag). The ONLY complaint, is that I wish it was a smidge taller, because my jackets touch the bench when hanging. Not a huge gripe, especially for the price.
Perfect Size for a Small Entryway
Works great for my entry way (I’ve been using it for a bit now). Bench is quite sturdy. I’m 330lbs and it doesn’t even seem to phase it when I sit to put my shoes on. Took maybe thirty minutes to put together, super simple, everything was included (I did end up with extra screws, literally one more than I needed for each bag). The ONLY complaint, is that I wish it was a smidge taller, because my jackets touch the bench when hanging. Not a huge gripe, especially for the price.