Bought this for our toddler transitioning into her "big girl bed". I was pleasantly surprised the quality is as good as it is! It's solid and sturdy, definitely not cheap compressed wood. The stairs were a bit tricky to put together but all in all assembly was easy. We bought a 5" thick memory foam mattress for it and it fits just right, the actual height of the bed is also not too high and has enough extra storage/play space below, love the extra storage in the stairs too! I added battery operated lights underneath to give her a nice cozy glow when she plays or reads her books. It's a hit and she'll get a lot of years out of this! I'd definitely recommend and would buy again!
Bought this for our toddler transitioning into her "big girl bed". I was pleasantly surprised the quality is as good as it is! It's solid and sturdy, definitely not cheap compressed wood. The stairs were a bit tricky to put together but all in all assembly was easy. We bought a 5" thick memory foam mattress for it and it fits just right, the actual height of the bed is also not too high and has enough extra storage/play space below, love the extra storage in the stairs too! I added battery operated lights underneath to give her a nice cozy glow when she plays or reads her books. It's a hit and she'll get a lot of years out of this! I'd definitely recommend and would buy again!