Decent product, not quite as sturdy as I expected, but I think thats more indicative as to the quality of products of today's age. It looks nice, the kids love it.
The assembly directions are pretty awful. A couple of the predrilled holes weren't drilled correctly, and I had to dig pieces of wood out of another bolt hole. The stairs assembly directions are some of the worst I've experienced in a while.
Few nitpicks mostly around assembly and designs choices, but my kids are really happy. It feels safe for them for sure. So thats all that matters I guess.
Decent bed
Decent product, not quite as sturdy as I expected, but I think thats more indicative as to the quality of products of today's age. It looks nice, the kids love it. The assembly directions are pretty awful. A couple of the predrilled holes weren't drilled correctly, and I had to dig pieces of wood out of another bolt hole. The stairs assembly directions are some of the worst I've experienced in a while. Few nitpicks mostly around assembly and designs choices, but my kids are really happy. It feels safe for them for sure. So thats all that matters I guess.