I was able to put it together by myself in about 3 hours. Its a bit wobbly but after I put my desk and bookshelf under the loft and against the railing it reduced the shaking a bit. The steps on the ladder are the only down side cause THEY REALLY HURT! I thought I could fight through the pain but after two days nope. So Ill probably buy some pool noodles to cover them like what I saw in other reviews. But beside that Im really happy with how it came out!
Awesome Except the Ladder
I was able to put it together by myself in about 3 hours. Its a bit wobbly but after I put my desk and bookshelf under the loft and against the railing it reduced the shaking a bit. The steps on the ladder are the only down side cause THEY REALLY HURT! I thought I could fight through the pain but after two days nope. So Ill probably buy some pool noodles to cover them like what I saw in other reviews. But beside that Im really happy with how it came out!