I did a lot of shopping around before finally ordering this bunk with the extra storage. The quality feels really sturdy. The color is very rich and pretty. The drawers in the steps are really deep, and there is even room on the side of the steps to fit 3 cube storage bins for more stuff. I also got the model with the two drawers under the bottom bunk. They are so big it's unreal. Only part that was surprising for me was that those two drawers that go underneath are only on casters. They do not actually attach to the bed. Not a problem for me, but should be mentioned. My boys love them and they feel so much safer with the steps rather than a ladder. The only complaint is the smell is taking a bit to wear off. Wish it was warmer so i could leave their window open for hours. It's not strong enough for me to be concerned, but you can notice it when you walk in their room. I am so happy i ordered this. it really adds a ton of storage to their room.
Great quality, amazing storage
I did a lot of shopping around before finally ordering this bunk with the extra storage. The quality feels really sturdy. The color is very rich and pretty. The drawers in the steps are really deep, and there is even room on the side of the steps to fit 3 cube storage bins for more stuff. I also got the model with the two drawers under the bottom bunk. They are so big it's unreal. Only part that was surprising for me was that those two drawers that go underneath are only on casters. They do not actually attach to the bed. Not a problem for me, but should be mentioned. My boys love them and they feel so much safer with the steps rather than a ladder. The only complaint is the smell is taking a bit to wear off. Wish it was warmer so i could leave their window open for hours. It's not strong enough for me to be concerned, but you can notice it when you walk in their room. I am so happy i ordered this. it really adds a ton of storage to their room.