I love this bed. It feels quite safe and sturdy. the only problem we have with it is that none of the three stair drawers work. they look fine and we literally can't figure out why they don't work. but they don't. they won't slide in al the way, end up hitting some kind of roadblock, and then just stay open about an inch because they won't close. it is very very VERY frustrating. other than the drawers, this is a great option for growing kiddos.
this is awesome - except for the drawers
I love this bed. It feels quite safe and sturdy. the only problem we have with it is that none of the three stair drawers work. they look fine and we literally can't figure out why they don't work. but they don't. they won't slide in al the way, end up hitting some kind of roadblock, and then just stay open about an inch because they won't close. it is very very VERY frustrating. other than the drawers, this is a great option for growing kiddos.