It did take 2 people and several hours to get together but it is very sturdy. Both myself and my daughter can get on it at the same time with no worries. The instructions were easy to follow it was well packaged so even though the boxes were damaged in transport there was no damage to the product. I had to contact customer service after receiving only one box. They were quick to respond with a better tracking number for the other 3 boxes and they all turned up the next day. All of the boxes arrived 2 days earlier than expected. Overall a great experience and I am very satisfied with the product. It is sturdy and will be safe for my child.
Cute and sturdy. Good price point.
It did take 2 people and several hours to get together but it is very sturdy. Both myself and my daughter can get on it at the same time with no worries. The instructions were easy to follow it was well packaged so even though the boxes were damaged in transport there was no damage to the product. I had to contact customer service after receiving only one box. They were quick to respond with a better tracking number for the other 3 boxes and they all turned up the next day. All of the boxes arrived 2 days earlier than expected. Overall a great experience and I am very satisfied with the product. It is sturdy and will be safe for my child.