Love this bed! Delivery was quick! Packaging was sturdy to help insure it wouldn't be damaged easily in shipping. It came completely disassembled (including the stairs). Which is what we needed to get it upstairs in our house. Took a little bit to put together but the instructions were easy to follow. It's a very sturdy bed. My older daughter has balance issues and is not fond of heights. She will have no problems with this top bunk though. The stairs are very solid and the railings are plenty tall enough. My three year old has no problems getting up and down from the top bunk. It's solid and I feel she is very safe while getting up and down it. Lots of drawer and cubby/shelf room as well.There were two boards missing toward the end of putting it together. We emailed the company and got almost an immediate response. They will be shipping the missing parts tomorrow. Very happy and satisfied with everything. Great customer service. Would recommend to anyone looking to purchase with them. Big thumbs up!
Great all around!
Love this bed! Delivery was quick! Packaging was sturdy to help insure it wouldn't be damaged easily in shipping. It came completely disassembled (including the stairs). Which is what we needed to get it upstairs in our house. Took a little bit to put together but the instructions were easy to follow. It's a very sturdy bed. My older daughter has balance issues and is not fond of heights. She will have no problems with this top bunk though. The stairs are very solid and the railings are plenty tall enough. My three year old has no problems getting up and down from the top bunk. It's solid and I feel she is very safe while getting up and down it. Lots of drawer and cubby/shelf room as well.There were two boards missing toward the end of putting it together. We emailed the company and got almost an immediate response. They will be shipping the missing parts tomorrow. Very happy and satisfied with everything. Great customer service. Would recommend to anyone looking to purchase with them. Big thumbs up!