Easy for people who put stuff together constantly.
Needs better instructions!!!! When put together all was good other than the top safety railing is not stable at all. Overall the product is great specially for the price just takes more time to put together due too the instructions. I’d give it a 3 star overall it would be a 5 star if A. Better instructions. B. The top railing was stable. C. The markings on the furniture too figure out which piece is which was put on better.
Easy for people who put stuff together constantly.
Needs better instructions!!!! When put together all was good other than the top safety railing is not stable at all. Overall the product is great specially for the price just takes more time to put together due too the instructions. I’d give it a 3 star overall it would be a 5 star if A. Better instructions. B. The top railing was stable. C. The markings on the furniture too figure out which piece is which was put on better.