The product so far seems like a great buy. Already feel a difference in quality from my old (and more expensive) bed frame from Nectar. This frame was easy to assemble, but definitely would recommend 2 people to help hold and tighten the nuts and bolts. The wood slats give a little give to allow the mattress to form to body pressure points. Will update if product changes over time, but as of day 3 it feels very sturdy and reliable.
Edit: after 3 or so months, the most weight bearing slats got squeaky. But, swap them out with slats from the lower area of the bed, and good as new!
Good product good price
The product so far seems like a great buy. Already feel a difference in quality from my old (and more expensive) bed frame from Nectar. This frame was easy to assemble, but definitely would recommend 2 people to help hold and tighten the nuts and bolts. The wood slats give a little give to allow the mattress to form to body pressure points. Will update if product changes over time, but as of day 3 it feels very sturdy and reliable. Edit: after 3 or so months, the most weight bearing slats got squeaky. But, swap them out with slats from the lower area of the bed, and good as new!