Once assembled, it looks great, and it's durable enough to handle the weight of an average 13 year old easily. The only issue was that the directions don't match the parts well. The cross members are smaller than the ones in the directions and require fewer fasteners. Also, there weren't enough screws left by the time we were assembling the drawers, so we had to get other screws. In addition, the directions don't show which way to orient many of the boards. Though the product is nice when the assembly is done.
Not the best directions...
Once assembled, it looks great, and it's durable enough to handle the weight of an average 13 year old easily. The only issue was that the directions don't match the parts well. The cross members are smaller than the ones in the directions and require fewer fasteners. Also, there weren't enough screws left by the time we were assembling the drawers, so we had to get other screws. In addition, the directions don't show which way to orient many of the boards. Though the product is nice when the assembly is done.