Purchased this bed for my sister's. 11, 8,&5 years old. It was easy to assemble. The color was nice, I got the grey. It did have one or two scratch or cracks in 1-3 pieces. Nothing major tho. It's worth it for the money....very much so. I got two 6 inches and one 8 inch matress....from Wayfair tho I don't trust for mattresses overall quality is A1 and I would buy it again if asked...u can't beat the price....3 beds
Purchased this bed for my sister's. 11, 8,&5 years old. It was easy to assemble. The color was nice, I got the grey. It did have one or two scratch or cracks in 1-3 pieces. Nothing major tho. It's worth it for the money....very much so. I got two 6 inches and one 8 inch matress....from Wayfair tho I don't trust for mattresses overall quality is A1 and I would buy it again if asked...u can't beat the price....3 beds