So I had been eyeing this bed for months before purchasing. My 9 yr old son and toddler share a room and this helps with maximizing the space. The quality seems very sturdy. I got up on the top bunk and im about 210lbs and it held me up just fine... same with the bottom bunk. I love the little cabinets and storage space.. great for maximizing the space as well. I dont have any complaints. however I did not even attempt to put this thing together myself. I hired a guy who does assembly projects as a side gig. It did take him about 4 hours .. he said it wasnt too bad .. it just took so long because he was doing it himself and was taking time to make sure he was assembling everything correctly. When we move I will have to hire someone to dissasemble move it and re-assemble... Im a single mom and thinks its worth mentioning incase you order it just be prepared for that factor .
Turned out great
So I had been eyeing this bed for months before purchasing. My 9 yr old son and toddler share a room and this helps with maximizing the space. The quality seems very sturdy. I got up on the top bunk and im about 210lbs and it held me up just fine... same with the bottom bunk. I love the little cabinets and storage space.. great for maximizing the space as well. I dont have any complaints. however I did not even attempt to put this thing together myself. I hired a guy who does assembly projects as a side gig. It did take him about 4 hours .. he said it wasnt too bad .. it just took so long because he was doing it himself and was taking time to make sure he was assembling everything correctly. When we move I will have to hire someone to dissasemble move it and re-assemble... Im a single mom and thinks its worth mentioning incase you order it just be prepared for that factor .