The table looks great in my home office. It is sturdy and the perfect size for what I needed. It took about an hour to assemble. There was one hole that was not drilled deep enough so I could not get the screw in. But it doesnt cause any issues with sturdiness. I placed next to it. It has a slightly larger width, but still looks great next to it.
The screw driver that came with really didnt work that well, but my own did.
Exactly what I wanted
The table looks great in my home office. It is sturdy and the perfect size for what I needed. It took about an hour to assemble. There was one hole that was not drilled deep enough so I could not get the screw in. But it doesnt cause any issues with sturdiness. I placed next to it. It has a slightly larger width, but still looks great next to it. The screw driver that came with really didnt work that well, but my own did.