This was such a great buy! I got it delivered in 2 days! It came in 3 heavy boxes, but everything was accounted for. The bed itself is pretty easy to assemble, but definitely takes 2 people to build. It’s a little heavy, but it’s very sturdy. I crawled up to the top and didn’t feel like it felt wobbly at all. There’s a lot of good storage space in the drawers and the side shelf. I love this bed! We have a queen under it with space for my kids to have a little fort under the loft. I would recommend this loft to everyone!
Great buy
This was such a great buy! I got it delivered in 2 days! It came in 3 heavy boxes, but everything was accounted for. The bed itself is pretty easy to assemble, but definitely takes 2 people to build. It’s a little heavy, but it’s very sturdy. I crawled up to the top and didn’t feel like it felt wobbly at all. There’s a lot of good storage space in the drawers and the side shelf. I love this bed! We have a queen under it with space for my kids to have a little fort under the loft. I would recommend this loft to everyone!