We like the look and size, and they were easy to assemble, but the internal quality seems lacking, especially top of arms seems like weak materials. My husband push off with his elbow on top of his arm rest and something popped like the material feels cheap and flimsy ok the arm tops. Also, the chairs are less than a yr old and sort of losing shape in the seat and leg rest parts. Not sure we would buy again, but their look modern and getting us through until we can get better quality. Im sure for youth game room or something theyd be great. Glad we have them, for now.
Ok Quality for the money
We like the look and size, and they were easy to assemble, but the internal quality seems lacking, especially top of arms seems like weak materials. My husband push off with his elbow on top of his arm rest and something popped like the material feels cheap and flimsy ok the arm tops. Also, the chairs are less than a yr old and sort of losing shape in the seat and leg rest parts. Not sure we would buy again, but their look modern and getting us through until we can get better quality. Im sure for youth game room or something theyd be great. Glad we have them, for now.