The best thing about this couch is how easy it is to clean! I have 2 toddlers and spills are inevitable. The material wipes up so nicely!! You can have an elegant piece of furniture without worrying about messes being an issue. The downside is that I would NOT consider this a sleeper/ futon. This couch is way too small for most adults to sleep on, at least in our family. I am 54 and cannot stretch on it. I guess I should have paid more attention to the actual measurements!
Easy to clean, very small
The best thing about this couch is how easy it is to clean! I have 2 toddlers and spills are inevitable. The material wipes up so nicely!! You can have an elegant piece of furniture without worrying about messes being an issue. The downside is that I would NOT consider this a sleeper/ futon. This couch is way too small for most adults to sleep on, at least in our family. I am 54 and cannot stretch on it. I guess I should have paid more attention to the actual measurements!