This is a sturdy table and relatively easy to assemble. Only four legs to attach, two screws each.
We use it between our primary chairs so the cable pocket is handy for our IT and power supply cables. One of the only issues is the legs were not quite aligned when installed flush so I had to loosen and adjust to keep the table from wobbling. We like the look and general structure of the unit. Wasnt cheap as so many items are these days but overall worth it.
Pretty Good Value,
This is a sturdy table and relatively easy to assemble. Only four legs to attach, two screws each. We use it between our primary chairs so the cable pocket is handy for our IT and power supply cables. One of the only issues is the legs were not quite aligned when installed flush so I had to loosen and adjust to keep the table from wobbling. We like the look and general structure of the unit. Wasnt cheap as so many items are these days but overall worth it.