This cabinet was exactly as expected and was a much more affordable option than a solid wood cabinet. It fit perfectly in the small corner space we needed it for and is very sturdy. My only complaint would be that it did have a strong chemical smell, that took several days to dissipate. I recommend assembling it in your garage and letting it air out for a day or two, if you can. Otherwise, we are very pleased with this product and it even came with a wall anchoring bracket if needed.
Sturdy affordable product
This cabinet was exactly as expected and was a much more affordable option than a solid wood cabinet. It fit perfectly in the small corner space we needed it for and is very sturdy. My only complaint would be that it did have a strong chemical smell, that took several days to dissipate. I recommend assembling it in your garage and letting it air out for a day or two, if you can. Otherwise, we are very pleased with this product and it even came with a wall anchoring bracket if needed.