Nice storage unit. Limited space in our bathroom so we thought this would be a nice way to add some. Easy to assemble, my husband and I used a drill and got it together in no time. Seems pretty sturdy. Smaller than what we thought but it is true to size on the dimensions it states. Would buy again if we needed another one. Clean white look , came on time and everything came marked so it made assembly pretty easy. I would recommend this .
Good buy
Nice storage unit. Limited space in our bathroom so we thought this would be a nice way to add some. Easy to assemble, my husband and I used a drill and got it together in no time. Seems pretty sturdy. Smaller than what we thought but it is true to size on the dimensions it states. Would buy again if we needed another one. Clean white look , came on time and everything came marked so it made assembly pretty easy. I would recommend this .