I initially ordered the assembly for this product but when it came to my door, I was so excited that I opened it and decided to try to put it together. I cant lie, I didnt even read the instructions on how to put it together. It so self-explanatory that I just picked up the ONE back piece and placed it right on metal prongs where it belonged. Plugged it in and that was pretty much it. I was so much in disbelief that I actually put it together that easily, that I double-checked with the instructions and everything was fine. I canceled the assembly, which would have cost 85.00. Thats almost 100.00 for someone to come over and plug it in. If you are unsure if you can put this product together, I would go ahead and order the assembly and schedule it BUT schedule the assembly for a couple of days after you receive the chair. Not on the same day. This will give you time to take it out of the box and try assembling it. If you succeed, it was very easy to click CANCEL, and no money has been charged. If you still feel you need help, at least you have no worries because you have already scheduled for someone to come.
Good Product
I initially ordered the assembly for this product but when it came to my door, I was so excited that I opened it and decided to try to put it together. I cant lie, I didnt even read the instructions on how to put it together. It so self-explanatory that I just picked up the ONE back piece and placed it right on metal prongs where it belonged. Plugged it in and that was pretty much it. I was so much in disbelief that I actually put it together that easily, that I double-checked with the instructions and everything was fine. I canceled the assembly, which would have cost 85.00. Thats almost 100.00 for someone to come over and plug it in. If you are unsure if you can put this product together, I would go ahead and order the assembly and schedule it BUT schedule the assembly for a couple of days after you receive the chair. Not on the same day. This will give you time to take it out of the box and try assembling it. If you succeed, it was very easy to click CANCEL, and no money has been charged. If you still feel you need help, at least you have no worries because you have already scheduled for someone to come.