Bought this bed to replace my sons childhood bed while he was away at his first semester of college. It was easy to put together, my 70-year old step-father put it together in about 20 minutes. We had an issue with one screw that got stripped while fastening but that was an easy enough fix. Its super sturdy and low profile. I love that the support slats for the mattress are steel and not wood, I just feel its more secure for my 6-foot 200lb athletic college boy. Hes been home for break for two weeks and loves it!
Sturdy, great value
Bought this bed to replace my sons childhood bed while he was away at his first semester of college. It was easy to put together, my 70-year old step-father put it together in about 20 minutes. We had an issue with one screw that got stripped while fastening but that was an easy enough fix. Its super sturdy and low profile. I love that the support slats for the mattress are steel and not wood, I just feel its more secure for my 6-foot 200lb athletic college boy. Hes been home for break for two weeks and loves it!