I got the 4 drawer black dresser and so far its held up very nicely. Very sturdy and good for the money! The inside of the drawers are a lot smaller than I was expecting, but it still works just fine and Im very happy with the product. Took me a good few hours to assemble all by myself, but it wasnt too difficult to the point where I was struggling. A bit of caution for those who arent handy with assembly, none of my parts came labeled which might have just been a defect with mine specifically, and it wasnt a problem for me but it might be a problem for others. I also was missing only one screw thing, so I just took an extra I was given of a different kind and glued it in and made it work. Again, working great so far! Looking forward to buying the 6 drawer here soon!
Good for price!
I got the 4 drawer black dresser and so far its held up very nicely. Very sturdy and good for the money! The inside of the drawers are a lot smaller than I was expecting, but it still works just fine and Im very happy with the product. Took me a good few hours to assemble all by myself, but it wasnt too difficult to the point where I was struggling. A bit of caution for those who arent handy with assembly, none of my parts came labeled which might have just been a defect with mine specifically, and it wasnt a problem for me but it might be a problem for others. I also was missing only one screw thing, so I just took an extra I was given of a different kind and glued it in and made it work. Again, working great so far! Looking forward to buying the 6 drawer here soon!